
What Are The Symptoms Of Hypertension

what are the symptoms of hypertension

3 Important Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

What are the most common symptoms of high blood pressure? This can be hard to pin down because, often, there aren't any real early symptoms of this problem. This is why your doctors usually recommend that you check your blood pressure often, especially if you are older than forty. Unfortunately, most of the time, high blood pressure doesn't have any warning signs or major symptoms like the ones we will talk about in this article. The method you use to treat your high blood pressure will be based upon not just the severity of your condition but the rest of your medical history as well.

How To Live With Hypertension
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Helen Kightley

Your doctor might tell you that you have prehypertension, a condition that does not usually have any specific symptoms. This pretty much means that your blood pressure is just a little bit higher than it usually is but it isn't high enough to be called hypertension. Nobody likes to hear bad news from his or her doctor but this news is usually considered to be good news because, when you get diagnosed with prehypertension, you should still be able to do something about it before it gets more serious. Your doctor might tell you that you need medication or that you need to change your lifestyle but there are a lot of natural remedies that you can use to lower your blood pressure before it gets to be too serious.

Your Guide to Hypertension; Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
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Marcus D. Wilson

Untreated high blood pressure can sometimes lead to kidney disease, diabetes or other serious consequences. Unfortunately by the time someone experiences these symptoms they have developed some of these serious conditions, since they didn't get their blood pressure checked regularly. Unfortunately then the first symptoms of your high blood pressure may also be symptoms of kidney disease or diabetes.

If you are experiencing problems with your kidneys you may feel the frequent need to urinate or blood in your urine. Sudden weight loss and being more thirsty than normal are both signs of diabetes. Whether or not these are related to high blood pressure, they are serious symptoms that should be investigated.

You should be aware of the risk factors of high blood pressure and have your doctor check your levels regularly, since symptoms of high blood pressure do not often show themselves until your blood pressure is at a dangerous level. People with a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease are more likely to have this problem, especially when they reach middle age. Smokers and heavy drinkers are also at risk for hypertension. Those who are overweight or obese are also at risk for high blood pressure, and regardless of symptoms should monitor their blood pressure often.

For the most part, blood pressure or hypertension is hard to identify in its early stages, making it a serious disease. Of course, if you take the time to get your blood pressure checked, it's very easy to find out if you have hypertension, but too many people neglect to do this. Whether or not you have the type of symptoms mentioned above, getting your blood pressure checked is a simple way to safeguard your health.

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3 Important Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

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3 Important Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

TweetWhat are the most common symptoms of high blood pressure? This can be hard to pin down because, often, there arent any real early symptoms of this problem. This is why your doctors usually recommend that you ... read more

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